5 Benefits of Vitamin C for Health and Beauty

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is commonly found in citrus fruits and some other healthful foods. It has long been known that vitamin C can prevent the arrival of canker sores, cold diseases, or boost your immune system. But apparently as reported from magforwomen.com, there are several other benefits of vitamin C are rarely known.

Here is another amazing benefits of vitamin C that you should know.

1 Lowers the risk of heart attack
Vitamin C is able to eliminate atherosclerosis in the heart. Atherosclerosis is a condition where your heart arteries thicken and cause a heart attack can increase your blood becomes smooth.

2 Controlling blood pressure
High blood pressure is a disease that is dangerous and can cause sudden death in people who are suffering. Taking vitamin C at the recommended doses are routinely able to reduce blood pressure and heart and kidney damage.

3 Avoid the risk of asthma
A study showed that people who suffer from asthma usually have a less amount of vitamin C in their bodies. Therefore, take vitamin C every day can reduce shortness of breath.

4 Fight cancer and reduce the effects of chemotherapy
Many studies have shown that vitamin C is able to fight cancer in several stages. Not only that, vitamin C also can minimize the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea.

5 Reduce the risk of diabetes
Vitamin C is beneficial to lower sugar levels in the body and helps prevent the adverse effects of diabetes on the sufferer. Change your sweet snack with fruit juice or other fruits that contain vitamin C.

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